Good evening again and welcome to another installment of the Ask A Male Blog.
Today's question: "Why do men obsess over their cars like women do over their shoes?"

This is one of those interesting questions that a lot of guys get. For us, Cars are a culmination of a lot of different dreams.
We as guys grow up with the media portraying a car as an ideal, a status symbol, a symbol of sexuality, a symbol of freedom. We grow up seeing models displayed on cars in all their wondrous glory. We hear the roar of the engine and we see the movies of cool looking men in leather jacket riding into the breeze with the girl on their arm.

We look at that as kids and we say "I want that!"

Media fills us with just how great it is to have a hot car because with a hot car, we get the amazingly skinny and "hawt" model who is wet and ready for us. We even give that hot car image a name, we call it "Pussy Magnet".

We are taught that a hot car is freedom from the hum drum mundane life that exists. That when life gets us down, we can hop into our dream car and pop in just the right jam and drive away into the sunset to the thumping beats.
Now mind you, it's not limited to just cars. Sometimes, some men obsess over trucks for the selfsame reason. To pile into a big rig with a big engine with a hot girl to go "muddin".

There are even websites dedicated to the top cars you can use to get, and keep, a date with.

For example, this....
The sad and unfortunate fact is that reality seldom meets with media portrayal. There are women out there who fall for men with cars. Why not? Having a car means having a form of self reliance and money enough to pay for it. Having a car means you have a sense of responsibility. However, we are still recovering from a major recession and not everyone kept a perfect job through seven years of Wall Street Crash. So guys with cars, often end up with something.... A bit more affordable.

(I hear an Adam Sandler song on the wind...)
When reality comes crashing in, working the dead end job at Wal-Mart while living with our parents and saving every penny to try and find a cheap Quad apartment to move into and get out on our own; we tend to find our dreams a little crushed.
Those men who are smart and fortunate enough to manage their funds better and have jobs who pay enough to have funds to manage, they tend to go for a car that lasts and will give them the best mileage. Also, the most room.

Not exactly the most romantic ideal but at least we know that we have our priorities in order.
The thing is, the same marketing that tells us that men need the hot car, is also the same marketing that tells women that men are hot IN a car.
Which leaves those of us men in a POS car feeling a bit out of the loop.

We attempt to make modifications to our cars with the desire in mind that if we hide the fact that our ugly car is an in fact... An ugly car, that perhaps you the woman and object of our desire won't notice and give us a chance to get in your pants.
Already you can see the flaw in the logic... We are using an object to attract another human being we view as an object with the desire to implant our sexual object into your sexual object and use you as our personal masturbation device. How degrading!

This... Is the byproduct of what we are taught, to reduce you to the level of an object, just like our cars.
The good news is, there are some of us who are figuring it out. A car, isn't the status symbol we hoped it was. It doesn't get us the promotion, the great job, the perfect house, or the hot girlfriend. It gets us a payment every month, a rising and falling gas bill like the tides, and a dedicated repair bill that we have to keep up on if we want the thing to keep running.
In the end, what we want, is a relationship with someone who meets our needs. And to get from point A to point B without sputtering or breaking down.

Ladies, it is up to you if you wish to be the type of materialistic girl who chases the hot guy in a hot a car. I can't stop you, it is after all your choice and preference. But if you want a guy to communicate with and get to know you, you have to establish your own firm boundaries at the start. Let them know what you need and want in a healthy and safe communication forum. Be honest...
And if a man shows up in a "hot ride" and just wants to eye you and the back seat when you walk out.... Go back inside your home. He doesn't care about you, he just cares about what he can get out of you.
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