Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why do men claim to have thier "shit" together but secretly want a mommy.

Newest Ask a Male Vlog is up.
Why do men claim to have thier "Shit" together but instead just want a mom to take care of them?
Have you had a guy do this to you? Claims he has everything together but needs you to pay out cash to be with him? Buy him clothes? Buy him "toys" or "games"? Pay for his food and drinks without ever contributing back?
Like this video? Hit the subscribe button, add a like, and share this video?
Got a question for the Ask a Male blog? Add a comment or send us a PM and we may use it on another issue of the Ask a Male blog!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Why would men tell us he is too tired for sex, but secretly masturbate.

Another question delivered to the Ask A Male mailbox.

"Why do men tell us they are too tired for sex but secretly choose 'Jill' (Jill is your right hand)?"

Well, proving that once again no Question is off limits, we present our latest VLOG post here.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Why do grown men play with toys.

Do you have a boyfriend who collects toys?  Ever wondered what they heck and why?

We answer it on our youtube channel now!

Why are men such babies when they are sick?

One of our subscribers asks, "Why are grown men such babies when they are sick."

Why does it take so long for men to poop?

One of our subscribers askes, "Why does it take so long for men to poop?"

So, we had to respond via our youtube channel. 

Video Blog, Why do men wear dress shirts tucked into sweatpants?

Kickin off our first ever youtube blog, we offer our questions "Why do men wear dress shirts tucked into sweatpants?"

Monday, February 23, 2015

Guest Vlog: Why are men obsessed by Anal Sex by Jeff Holiday

So if you've been following the Ask A Male blog from its inception, you know that we've been asked a lot of odd an interesting questions.  One of them was the wonderful "Why are Men obsessed with Anal Sex"? 

And as some of know, we've since started a venture in Video Blogging our questions.  So most of our future posts will be posted up on our Youtube Channel Vlog here.   If your interested in checking out some of our live questions answered by yours truly "The Male", then make sure you subscribe and add a like to my Vlog. 

As we at Ask A Male are committed to acquiring a variety of different opinions by men, about men, for women; we present to you our first guest spot on Ask a Male.  We present the amazing, witty, and fun Mr. Jeff Holiday who has consented to do a video blog about the above question we were previously posed about Why men are obsessed with Anal Sex. 

Now I'd encourage anyone interested in checking out an alternative opinion on Anal Sex, in a fun and witty sense, should check out Mr. Jeff Holiday's video here. 

Also make sure you add a like and an add to Jeff's channel because the fact is, he's hillarious in everything he does.  Thank you Jeff for taking on our challenge and making an amazing video. 

Now we can save the world. 

As with all Ask a Male blogs, make sure if you have a question that you add a comment or PM us with your questions and we'll post them on our youtube channel. 

And thank you again Jeff for making us all a little more enlightened. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Why do men obsess over their cars?

Good evening again and welcome to another installment of the Ask A Male Blog. 

Today's question: "Why do men obsess over their cars like women do over their shoes?"

This is one of those interesting questions that a lot of guys get.  For us, Cars are a culmination of a lot of different dreams.  

We as guys grow up with the media portraying a car as an ideal, a status symbol, a symbol of sexuality, a symbol of freedom.  We grow up seeing models displayed on cars in all their wondrous glory.  We hear the roar of the engine and we see the movies of cool looking men in leather jacket riding into the breeze with the girl on their arm. 

We look at that as kids and we say "I want that!"

Media fills us with just how great it is to have a hot car because with a hot car, we get the amazingly skinny and "hawt" model who is wet and ready for us.  We even give that hot car image a name, we call it "Pussy Magnet". 

We are taught that a hot car is freedom from the hum drum mundane life that exists.  That when life gets us down, we can hop into our dream car and pop in just the right jam and drive away into the sunset to the thumping beats.

Now mind you, it's not limited to just cars.  Sometimes, some men obsess over trucks for the selfsame reason. To pile into a big rig with a big engine with a hot girl to go "muddin". 

There are even websites dedicated to the top cars you can use to get, and keep, a date with. 

For example, this.... 

The sad and unfortunate fact is that reality seldom meets with media portrayal.  There are women out there who fall for men with cars.  Why not?  Having a car means having a form of self reliance and money enough to pay for it. Having a car means you have a sense of responsibility.  However, we are still recovering from a major recession and not everyone kept a perfect job through seven years of Wall Street Crash. So guys with cars, often end up with something.... A bit more affordable. 

(I hear an Adam Sandler song on the wind...)

When reality comes crashing in, working the dead end job at Wal-Mart while living with our parents and saving every penny to try and find a cheap Quad apartment to move into and get out on our own; we tend to find our dreams a little crushed. 

Those men who are smart and fortunate enough to manage their funds better and have jobs who pay enough to have funds to manage, they tend to go for a car that lasts and will give them the best mileage.  Also, the most room. 

Not exactly the most romantic ideal but at least we know that we have our priorities in order. 

The thing is, the same marketing that tells us that men need the hot car, is also the same marketing that tells women that men are hot IN a car. 

Which leaves those of us men in a POS car feeling a bit out of the loop. 

We attempt to make modifications to our cars with the desire in mind that if we hide the fact that our ugly car is an in fact... An ugly car, that perhaps you the woman and object of our desire won't notice and give us a chance to get in your pants. 

Already you can see the flaw in the logic... We are using an object to attract another human being we view as an object with the desire to implant our sexual object into your sexual object and use you as our personal masturbation device.  How degrading!

This... Is the byproduct of what we are taught, to reduce you to the level of an object, just like our cars. 

The good news is, there are some of us who are figuring it out.  A car, isn't the status symbol we hoped it was.  It doesn't get us the promotion, the great job, the perfect house, or the hot girlfriend.  It gets us a payment every month, a rising and falling gas bill like the tides, and a dedicated repair bill that we have to keep up on if we want the thing to keep running. 

In the end, what we want, is a relationship with someone who meets our needs. And to get from point A to point B without sputtering or breaking down. 

Ladies, it is up to you if you wish to be the type of materialistic girl who chases the hot guy in a hot a car.  I can't stop you, it is after all your choice and preference.  But if you want a guy to communicate with and get to know you, you have to establish your own firm boundaries at the start.  Let them know what you need and want in a healthy and safe communication forum. Be honest... 

And if a man shows up in a "hot ride" and just wants to eye you and the back seat when you walk out.... Go back inside your home. He doesn't care about you, he just cares about what he can get out of you. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Why do men want skinny girls?!

Good evening everyone!  It's a wet February day here and almost everyone is turning their thoughts to the upcoming Valentines day.  Almost... 

A question we received at the Ask a Male blog:

"Recently my boyfriend broke up with me to go run off with another girl behind my back.  I'm a bigger girl and she's a twig.  Why do guys want skinny (expletive)?!"

This sounded a little similar to a question we've already written about here as to why men will date plus sized women but won't seem to admit they are in a relationship with one. 

However, this question deserved a little bit different of a take. 

The honest truth is, LOTS of men like curvy women.  There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Facebook and Instagram and Tumblr feeds dedicated to the sole appreciation of the "Plus Sized Woman".  They go by different names, "Thick", "Plump", "Plus Sized", "Curvy" but they all feature roughly the same models with roughly the same idea; a girl with more to offer is gorgeous. 

So it's not that men don't like "plus sized girls", lots and lots (and LOTS) of men do.  Your question really is "Why does HE want THAT skinny girl" and the answer I think is found in the question.  He wanted her behind your back. He cheated...  

What your boyfriend did was pure and simple cheating. He started an (probably emotional but possibly sexual) affair with someone he felt he knew who was willing to offer something he felt was missing in his life.  Let me make one thing abundantly clear, there is NO excuse for a man to cheat on a woman. Conversely no excuse for anyone to cheat on anyone. It hurts people no matter the "well intentioned" reason anyone offers. 

But it sounds like this man decided that this woman had something he wanted. 

It may be that it was because she was alluring (in his mind) sexually.  It may be that she aesthetically was pleasing to what he desired. But I guarantee you, its not solely because she's thin. Nor probably because she "looks better than you". Appearances are ALWAYS judged based on personal aesthetic and experience. I know from experience that whenever I have been cheated on, I instantly want to judge the persons appearance compared to my own and always ask "Why aren't I sexy enough?"  It's not always limited to women to think this way. 

Why men cheat will have to be the subject for another blog post, but let me offer some comfort here.  It isn't because you were "big" and because she was "tiny".  It wasn't because she "looked better" or was a "better lay" than you.  It's because deep down within himself, he is missing something that he has yet to find or complete in his own emotional make up.  He's seeking that in the arms of someone else and the truth is, he can only find it within himself.  

Let him go... 

Right now, he's her problem.  I guarantee you that if he was willing to cheat on you, he's willing to cheat on her... on the next one... and so on until he finds out that what he's looking for will never be found in the arms (or vagina) of any other woman.  It has to be a cavity within his own emotional make up that he has to fill. 

So don't feel bad that someone is running off with someone you think might be "skinnier" than you. In the end, let her have him and find out what being with him is really like. If several hundred thousand Internet groups dedicated to plus size models reveals anything, its that you won't want for attention for long. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My boyfriend want's a 'Poly' relationship...

Greetings and good evening ladies and gentlemen!  Once again, I'm bringing to you another installment of the Ask a Male blog. 

Today's question; "My boyfriend asked me if I'd be ok with us being in a "Polyamorous" relationship and I want to know what is he thinking?" 

Everytime we touch on Alternative Sexuality on the Ask A Male Blog, we tend to attract people who more often than not make sweeping generalizations about the authors views and react rather than attempt to read and understand. 

The author has Poly friends, and has attempted it before in his life. He is simply going to present it's definition and it's practice as defined by Poly people.  

Well, lets first define what Polyamory Means. 

Polyamory is defined as Multiple Romantic and Sexual partners in a relationship together. 

In short, it is defined as having multiple partners both physically(sexually) and romantically.

In the authors experience, there are two different schools of thought for Poly Practice.

The Soft Definition). 

Is the defined practice where two people agree to be in a relationship but one, or both parties, agree to have sexual relationships (whether protected or not) with other parties with the agreed notion that neither party needs to know about the multiple other parties in action. So long as neither party is aware what the other party is engaged in, they reason that no feelings are hurt in the process. 

The Hard Definition.) (No pun intended). 

Is the defined practice of a set and what is referred to as "Vetted" (Known to all parties) circle of participants who all agree together to only sleep with the parties in the known and agreed upon circle of participants.  All parties agree to share themselves with each other, but all parties also look out for and protect the feelings and emotions and physical health of each other.  They go so far as to have constant STD tests together and advocate healthy protected sexual encounters with each other. To join the circle, is only allowed when ALL parties agree that you are allowed to join. 

Both schools of thought practice what they believe to be called "Informed Consent". 

 Meaning, they discuss ahead of time what they wish to have happen in pursuing multiple partners.  They discuss what they wish to engage in, it's implications, and its possible dangers. Consent implies a uniform agreement.  As an "Alternative Sexuality" compared to the western concept of Monogamy, it's practitioners defend their chosen lifestyle very stolidly. 

Without informed consent, both schools of thought reason that sleeping around is simply and purely cheating. It's dishonest, they reason, because it isn't taking into account their partners agreed upon wishes. 

The Author at Ask A Male does not wish to engage into debate as to which concept of relationship is better or worse than the other, Monogamy VS. Polyamory.  Simply put, it's all lifestyle choices that everyone is entitled to research and explore at their own choice and time. Remember that for any relationship to work, it requires open and honest communication and consent. 

I can say that I've lived a very fruitful and interesting life and tried things on several different perspectives, so I can offer the following advice on how an average straight male thinks when asking "Are you ok with Polyamory?" 

This man, your boyfriend, has heard about something new that intrigues him.  He's heard about people who can have multiple sexual partners and keep a loving relationship between all of them.  

Not knowing this man, but knowing how the average man thinks, this brings a couple questions to my mind. 

"Why does this lifestyle intrigue him?" 

"Is he unhappy with himself?"

Straight males, we are taught that sexual gratification equals total life gratification.  If we are having great sex, our life is on the way to being perfect.  When the sex falls apart (and I'm not saying your sex life has), we turn to trying to find out why and often that means finding another partner to meet those needs. That missing piece search, as we get older, we realize its not found in the arms of someone else.  Its only found through deep soul searching. It's only found in trying to be happy with ourselves.  

Sex is pitched in media and music as the answer to all of life's ails. In practice, we find its a lot more complicated than that when we get emotions into the mix. 

He want's to keep you in a relationship, but also want's to explore definite sexual and possible romantic interest with someone at the same time.  Someone else in the mix. 

He doesn't want to lose you, but he's also intrigued by this life. 

This is going to require you to do some deep soul searching within yourself, it's going to require a very difficult and emotional conversation with your boyfriend, and it's going to be messy. 

First, you are going to have to ask yourself these questions:

Are you OK with sharing your boyfriend with one or more women(or men)?

Are you OK with being shared with one or more men(or women)?

If you are OK with those notions, ask yourself this:

If we start this relationship, do I want to know who he is sleeping with or do I not want to know?

If I do, or do not know, do I want my partner to be protected and trust he will use it? 

Am I going to also have a relationship (physical or emotional) with this other person? 

If you are NOT  comfortable with any of these situations and are not willing to allow yourself or your partner to be shared with other people, it is within your complete and total right to say you do not wish to engage in that lifestyle choice.  

If however your boyfriend says he is going to pursue it, let him go. 

Here's the thing I've learned about any successful relationship in life.  It's that if you are monogamous, poly, or anywhere in between; you have to have open communication AND respect for yourself and your partner(s) for the relationship to work. 

Now, it's possible that your boyfriend might have found a way to have you and have the open fun sex life he wants.  It's possible, he might be checking someone out to play with. And that may be what he is thinking.  But to muddle through this mess, assuming that you want to try to hold on to him, you need to have a good long chat with him and explore the deeper issues. 

If he isn't willing to talk about it, RUN... Don't walk away.  And do it with pride. 

A man who is proposing to sleep with someone else, and won't talk to you as to why, is controlling you.  

A man who wants to keep you and play with someone else, it's worth asking why he needs that and what he is lacking within himself that he wants to seek out in the arms of someone else. Understand that you aren't his therapist and if there are deeper issues, again... Run... Don't walk away. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My boyfriend seems jealous of my Gay best friend, why?

Here we are with the first blog post of the Ask A Male blog for 2015.  Happy New Year to all you fine readers out there!  Thank you for sharing, resharing, and reading the Ask A Male blog. Thank you for pushing all of our views to over 100k total for all of our blog posts. 

We have a new question today courtesy of a long time reader: 

I've been with my boyfriend for about three months now, he knows all of my friends and I've always thought we were on pretty secure footing.  But when I get together with my gay friend and go hang out, he gives me the silent treatment.  Why is that? 

This can be a bit of a sensitive subject to bring up.  There are people who have some pretty strong emotions when it comes to relationships, love, and Homosexuality so let me preface my response to this with a simple disclaimer:  WE HERE at the Ask A Male blog SUPPORT all of our LGBT friends of all stripes and we love and adore their friendship. 

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with having a Gay or Straight best friend. We are wired to need company outside of ourselves and friendship is always an essential for life.  You are strong independent creatures capable of deciding who you wish to interact with and develop friendships with.  You alone have the power to choose who you share time with.  If you choose to have an intimate emotional and connected relationship with us men, we have to accept that you have had friends before us and will continue to develop friendships after us. Just as you have to accept that we have our own friends as well. Human nature right? 

Where it sounds to me dear confused friend is this; it sounds like your boyfriend is insecure in your current short term relationship. You haven't been together long enough to learn each others issues (though it sounds like you've touched on one of his) and its a very sore subject.  This isn't about you, or your gay best friend, this is about himself. He's obviously got a few issues he's dealing with right now and the best friend just happens to your boyfriends excuse to reveal his issues. 

Perhaps your boyfriend was a product of a broken home where a parent left to start another relationship. It happens more often than we like to think about and just sometimes, those people go off to have a Homosexual relationship.  If you were raised in a conservative home, this can be hurtful to your ego.  Perhaps a prior girlfriend cheated on him with another man. Perhaps in fact, he cheated on a prior girlfriend and he's afraid of the eventual backlash. Whatever the issue is, it comes down to the fact that he is expressing some jealousy of your open friendship with another man. It isn't about him being gay, or a friend, its about expressing a need to have a relationship outside of your couplehood that he cannot control. It's about his war with himself. 

That's something to be concerned about in long term relationships. 

Dear friend, you need to have a sit down conversation with your man in a safe environment where you both can discuss the issue without being accusatory.

Sit down with him in private and say "Hey love, can we have a talk about something that bothers me?"  Don't use the "We need to talk" line, that's a genuine and surefire sign to us that we are "About to be dumped."  We don't respond well ever to "We need to talk."  In fact, we shut right down. 

Tell him "Love, it concerns me that you seem to express a dislike when I hang out (insert Gay Best Friends name) and I want to ask, why is that?" 

Then listen... Let him get it all out. 

If the response is "I don't have a fucking issue!"  Then its time to RUN not walk away. You are officially done and going further in this relationship will lead to abuse and heartbreak.

If the response is "It don't have an issue."  He's lying to himself. Let him know that his expressed attitude is uncomfortable to you and because you care, you want to find out why. 

If he then responds and tells you he is worried about losing you, ask him why. Sometimes that's really what we want is someone to listen to our story. 

The key here is to generate conversation. Ask him why he feels uncomfortable that you have a friendship with another male (Gay or Straight, it matters not). Ask him why he expresses this dislike in a manner that you find uncomfortable. 

Advise him and reassure him that you want to develop trust with him.  You obviously trust him with female friends (Lesbian or Straight) and you are not concerned with the time he spends with them.  You trust him, you want that same respect in return. 

If he continues to express displeasure at giving you that trust, then its time to genuinely rethink this relationship.  

The foundation of any good and longstanding relationship is based purely on trust. You have to trust your partner and your partner has to trust you.  If a man is thinking he cannot trust his partner and needs to control the actions of his partner, then he's not worth keeping and there are better fish in the sea.  

I'm certain your Gay best friend knows a lot of straight guys who trust him as well.  Guys with references are always a bonus. Good luck friend. 

If you liked this post, let us know.  If you have a question you'd like to ask the Ask A Male blog, drop us a line or a comment and we may feature your question on the next blog post. 

Thank you for making this such a well viewed blog.