So after much deliberation, I have decided to start a blog where in you lady friends of mine who I so constantly give advice to can e-mail me your questions to have them answered publicly for discussion. I will accept anonymous e-mails at dr.raven( at )gmail.com regarding your questions on the following topic.
What does or how does a guy really think?
Given the specific scenario, I will attempt to tell you how I think your man or the man your interested in or the man interested in you is thinking.
My scenarios and advice will largely only be useful in a scenario where the man is by and large "Straight". I honestly cannot say I could predict with any accuracy what or how a Gay man thinks. I'm not Gay so it wouldn't be fair for me to say this or that ideal is how they think. I am also not a woman, nor a lesbian, so I can't predict how they would think either.
I can say this... If you have doubts about your relationship your in and your not happy with the person your with, then its a good time to talk and be honest with how you feel or what you want. If you still have doubts after honest and open communication... It's time to move on. There are bigger, better, and brighter fish in the sea. It's a given in any scenario.
So with that in mind... Ladies, if you have a question about men, a man in specific, or a specific scenario with your man... Ask away.
On a different note, here are some observations I've personally had about the whole "Online Dating" concept.

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